Ready to sweep and scrub away those winter blues? The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and new energy is buzzing throughout the air. You know what that means, right? Spring is officially here, in Downtown Bellefontaine!
April doesn’t just mark the arrival of spring, but of Earth Day, too, on Friday, April 22nd. To help you celebrate both events, we’ve put together a list of tips that will leave you feeling clean and clutter-free. Take a look! Pay extra close attention to the last tip.
Always Clean Room by Room
It’s better to work smarter, not harder. As such, try to have an organized plan in place and clean room by room. This is an effective method that will make deep cleaning smoother. Instead of doing a little cleaning in the kitchen followed by a touch-up in the bathroom, start in one room and finish polishing it completely before moving on to the next.
Don’t Forget about the Walls
When cleaning your home, it’s often easy to overlook or forget about certain areas, including the walls. However, all walls need a good cleaning, too. It’s best to use a damp, microfiber cloth to wipe away greasy fingerprints, dust, bacteria, and other stains. Start at the top, then work your way down. Friendly reminder: Don’t forget about the doorframes and baseboards!
Purge All Closets
Getting rid of old clothes, books, and knickknacks is difficult for some, but so important if you truly want to declutter your home. A good rule of thumb: if you haven’t worn a piece of clothing in a year, then donate it. The same can be said for books, knickknacks, old decorations, or pieces of furniture. If you haven’t used an item (and don’t plan to soon), then it’s time to let it go. Find a local thrift shop that accepts these types of pieces—never just throw them out.
Check the Refrigerator
Yep, “spring cleaning” also refers to cleaning out the refrigerator (and freezer)! Perhaps the most effective and simplest way to perform this task is to pull everything out of the box, making it better for you to scrub down the inside walls, shelves, and drawers. Next, check all food and products before putting them back into the fridge, especially labels of salad dressing and sauces. If you see an expired date, toss it! You can also go through your cupboards and practice this step and donate any canned goods or nonperishable items you don’t plan on eating.

Participate in the Downtown Bellefontaine Cleanup
This year, to show how important our community is, we’re hosting a special event: Downtown Bellefontaine Spring Cleaning. You can participate and join us in celebrating the arrival of spring and Earth Day by helping clean up our downtown area. To show our gratitude, all volunteers will receive a free lunch, a t-shirt, and one complimentary beer from Brewfontaine after the event! To secure your place (and your free t-shirt), sign up by April 15th. Just click here and stay tuned for more details! Remember, if we don’t take care of our community, who will? So, let’s get out there and make ours shine and sparkle!