Plant a mug for your mom, with your mom or just because…
Need an easy gift for Mother’s Day? Create a fun potted coffee mug for your mama with the pros from unboxed boutique and Beck Plant Haus! Here’s how it works:
1. Show up for this event.
2. Purchase snarky, sweet or somewhere in between mug from unboxed boutique’s large variety.
3. Purchase an adorable plant from the plant gurus as Beck Plant Haus.
4. Let the pros help you pot that cutie in your new mug.
5. Bask in the glow of your new plant in all its glory.
Earn extra brownie points and invite your mom on a date to come plant her mug WITH you. Don’t have a mom or a mom relationship? Get free mom hugs from us! (We’re chill like that.)
What makes this event a true win? You can sip on your favorite beverages from Roundhouse Depot Brewing Company while you “work”. Win-win, right?