What’s your favorite pastime? Reading? Working out? Shopping? If you think about it, shopping is more or less a form of exercise, isn’t it? A fun form of exercise! Regardless, if you enjoy shopping, then you came to the right place!
Fun fact: Downtown Bellefontaine is loaded with a variety of gems, including clothing boutiques, antique shops, and even a store for kids!
So, it doesn’t matter if you’re in the mood to shop for yourself, for someone else, or all of the above—there’s a destination for everyone. Take a look!

Start your morning at RISE Bakehouse with an “Almost Famous” Breakfast Sandwich or Blueberry Galette—depending on what you’re craving. Either way, you’re going to need to carb load. You know what they say about shopping: It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Once satiated, you have to decide what you want to shop for first: clothes, knickknacks, antiques, items for your kids?
Come to think of it, we’ll take you over to Just U’NeeQ to begin. Located on Main Street, this centrally located, beautiful store offers hand-crafted farmhouse décor, gifts, and signature candles. Perhaps you want to use this opportunity to check off some names from your Christmas list?

Next, we’re going to expose you to Downtown Bellefontaine’s antique scene. You have four different options to choose from: The Olde Mint Antiques, The Silver Elephant, and Nest 1896. All located within walking distance from one another, each one of these treasure chests provides high-quality, vintage, and original selections. Better yet, you’ll discover multiple vendors and floors at Olde Mint and Nest 1896, meaning your hunt could last for hours!
Remember, there’s still plenty more to see! If you enjoy antique shopping, then don’t miss our “An Antiquing Adventure” itinerary, which maps out an entire day (morning, noon, evening) of nothing but antiquing!
Once done, run over to The Fun Company and explore the many aisles of games, toys, and books! You’ll be so happy you did!
Now, who’s ready for a late lunch? Head on over to Brewfontaine for a sandwich (the Grilled Reuben is our favorite) and a cold drink. This is also a great time to assess what you’ve purchased and drop off bags at your car.

It’s now time to work off that lunch . . . so you can make room for dinner!
Pop quiz: What’s a fun way to exercise? Shopping, of course! If you enjoy fashion, then you’re in luck. Downtown Bellefontaine knows fashion! You can quickly and conveniently walk to the following boutiques and literally shop till you drop: The Hanger Boutique, PeachTree Boutique, The Poppy Seed Boutique, Four Acre Clothing Co., and Rustic Boutique.
The beauty about all of these stores is that A) Each provides new and different styles, meaning you won’t find these pieces anywhere else B) You don’t have to drive from store to store, but simply walk at your own leisurely pace C) Staff is always friendly, helpful, and eager to assist you.
You’ll find everything and anything you could possibly want, including shoes, jewelry, dresses, accessories, and more! Do you have a special occasion that requires a new outfit? Perfect! Do you want to treat yourself just because you can? No problem! You can accomplish all of that. So, take your time, try something on—try a lot on—and make this a shopping spree to remember! We didn’t forget about dinner! Flying Pepper Cantina is a great spot for you to put your feet up, order a refreshing margarita, and evaluate all of your new riches!