We’re having our first ever Jingle Jam, Kid’s Day Out event at The Photo Booth! Take advantage of small business Saturday in downtown Bellefontaine by stopping at your favorite coffee shop, grabbing lunch, and getting all your Christmas shopping done while your kiddos are having a blast at the studio. Dress them up in their Christmas jammies and we’ll take some fun Christmas photos, decorate a Christmas cookie, craft and wrap a special gift all while listening to Christmas tunes. We’ll even have a favorite Christmas movie playing! You can choose from three time slots: 9-11am, 11:30 – 1:30pm, or 2:00-4:00pm. A maximum of 20 kids per session, up to 12 yrs old, and potty trained. We will have plenty of elves to entertain so your kiddos are in great hands!
Cost is $45/child and includes a Christmas photo, cookie, craft, snacks and drinks, and lots of Christmas magic!!